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WebTV Viewer Files


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Echostar Logo
Connection Setup
WebTV: it neither dices nor slices
Automatic Update
Data Download
Connecting 2
Configure BYOISP
You Dont Know Jack
WebTV Demo
ROMF Version
Unplug External Printer Adapter
WebTV Technical Information 2
WebTV Technical Information 3
WebTV Connecting
Obscure Dialing Options 2
WebTV Powered Off
Dialing Options
Dialing Options 2
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Connection Setup 2
Use My Own ISP
Using Your Own ISP
Advanced Dialing Options
Dialing Access Number
Builtin Midi

The WebTV Viewer is program tool found online at http://www.developer.webtv.net. Its purpose is help computer users develop WebTV friendly webpages. The viewer simulates surfing the web as if you were using a WebTV. But, what WebTV did'nt know is that it could be used as a tool for hacking their network, that was accomplished but short lived, WebTV solved the problem quickly after discovering the security hole. I managed to download the Viewer to my computer then upload to a subdirectory on this site, I also opened the files with Microsoft NotePad to take a peek at their contents and discovered a number of HTML files. These files also contained the variables used by the network, those can be found on my WebTV Variables page. In the sidebar you will find the HTML files I discovered, or you can view the complete files I uploaded in my WebTV Viewer subdirectory.

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