<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> Using your own ISP </TITLE> <DISPLAY nologo nooptions> </HEAD> <sidebar width=110> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 BGCOLOR=452a36> <tr> <td colspan=3 abswidth=104 absheight=4> <td rowspan=99 width=6 absheight=420 valign=top align=left> <img src=" file://ROM/Cache/Shadow.gif" width=6 height=420><tr> <td abswidth=6> <td abswidth=92 absheight=76> <table absheight=76 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0> <tr> <td align=right> <img src=" file://ROM/Cache/WebTVLogoJewel.gif" width=87 height=67></table> <td abswidth=6> <tr><td absheight=5 colspan=3> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0> <tr><td abswidth=104 absheight=2 valign=middle align=center bgcolor=2e1e26> <spacer type=block> <tr><td abswidth=104 absheight=1 valign=top align=left> <tr><td abswidth=104 absheight=2 valign=top align=left bgcolor=6b4657> <spacer type=block> </table> <tr><td absheight=201> <tr><td absheight=123 align=right colspan=3> <img src=" file://ROM/Images/SetupBanner.gif" width=54 height=123><tr><td absheight=41> </table> </sidebar> <BODY BGCOLOR="#191919" TEXT="#42CC55" LINK="189CD6" VLINK="189CD6" HSPACE=0 VSPACE=0 FONTSIZE="large" > <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0> <tr> <td abswidth=14> <td colspan=3> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0> <tr> <td valign=center absheight=80> <font size="+2" color="E7CE4A"><blackface><shadow> Using your own ISP </table> <td abswidth=20> <TR> <td> <td colspan=3 height=266 VALIGN=top ALIGN=left> If you already have an account with an Internet service provider (ISP), you will soon have the option of using your ISP to connect to WebTV. <p>When WebTV makes this service available, you'll be able to switch it on by choosing Setup from the home page. You'll need to have your own account with an ISP already. <p>Of course, you can continue connecting to WebTV as you have all along — through WebTV's national network of points of presence. <form action="client:goback"> <TR> <TD> <TD COLSPAN=4 HEIGHT=7 VALIGN=top ALIGN=left> <tr> <TD> <td colspan=4 height=2 valign=middle align=center bgcolor="2B2B2B"> <spacer type=block width=436 height=1> <tr> <TD> <td colspan=4 height=1 valign=top align=left> <tr> <TD> <td colspan=4 height=2 valign=top align=left bgcolor="0D0D0D"> <spacer type=block width=436 height=1> <TR> <TD> <TD COLSPAN=4 HEIGHT=4 VALIGN=top ALIGN=left> <TR> <TD> <TD COLSPAN=3 VALIGN=top ALIGN=right> <FONT COLOR="#E7CE4A" SIZE=-1><shadow> <input name="Done" value="Done" selected width=150 type=submit borderimage=" file://ROM/Borders/ButtonBorder2.bif" usestyle></shadow></font></form> <TD> </TABLE> </BODY> </HTML>
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