<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> You Don't Know Jack </TITLE> <DISPLAY noscroll nologo nooptions noreconnectalert> </HEAD> <sidebar width=110> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 BGCOLOR=452a36> <tr> <td colspan=3 abswidth=104 absheight=4> <td rowspan=99 width=6 absheight=420 valign=top align=left> <img src=" file://ROM/Cache/Shadow.gif" width=6 height=420><tr> <td abswidth=6> <td abswidth=92 absheight=76> <table absheight=76 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0> <tr> <td align=right> <img src=" file://ROM/Cache/WebTVLogoJewel.gif" width=87 height=67></table> <td abswidth=6> <tr><td absheight=5 colspan=3> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0> <tr><td abswidth=104 absheight=2 valign=middle align=center bgcolor=2e1e26> <img src=" file://ROM/Images/Spacer.gif" width=1 height=1><tr><td abswidth=104 absheight=1 valign=top align=left> <tr><td abswidth=104 absheight=2 valign=top align=left bgcolor=6b4657> <img src=" file://ROM/Images/Spacer.gif" width=1 height=1></table> <tr><td absheight=171> <tr><td absheight=123 align=right colspan=3> <img src=" file://ROM/Images/Spacer.gif" width=54 height=123><tr><td absheight=41> </table> </sidebar> <BODY BGCOLOR="#191919" TEXT="#42CC55" LINK="36d5ff" VLINK="36d5ff" FONTSIZE="large"> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0> <tr> <td abswidth=14> <td colspan=3> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0> <tr> <td valign=center absheight=300> <IMG SRC=" file://ROM/Images/Spacer.gif" WIDTH=1 HEIGHT=2><BR><font size="+2" color="E7CE4A"><blackface><shadow> You Don't Know Jack <BR><IMG SRC=" file://ROM/Images/Spacer.gif" WIDTH=1 HEIGHT=30><BR><FONT SIZE="-1" COLOR="#42CC55"> You Don't Know Jack is an addictive TV-style interactive game created by Berkeley Systems and delivered to you by WebTV. Be careful about going forward from here -- you may spend all your time doing Jack. <P> You do not currently have any of the You Don't Know Jack Games available on your WebTV Plus receiver. Use the TV Home setup pages to begin receiving the games. </FONT> </table> <BR><IMG SRC=" file://ROM/Images/Spacer.gif" WIDTH=1 HEIGHT=45><BR><td abswidth=20> <TR> <TD> <TD COLSPAN=4 HEIGHT=7 VALIGN=top ALIGN=left> <tr> <TD> <td colspan=4 height=2 valign=middle align=center bgcolor="2B2B2B"> <img src=" file://ROM/Images/Spacer.gif" width=436 height=1><tr> <TD> <td colspan=4 height=1 valign=top align=left> <tr> <TD> <td colspan=4 height=2 valign=top align=left bgcolor="0D0D0D"> <img src=" file://ROM/Images/Spacer.gif" width=436 height=1><TR> <TD> <TD COLSPAN=4 HEIGHT=4 VALIGN=top ALIGN=left> <TR> <TD> <TD COLSPAN=3 VALIGN=top ALIGN=right> <FORM action="client:goback"> <FONT COLOR="#E7CE4A" SIZE=-1><SHADOW> <INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT BORDERIMAGE=" file://ROM/Borders/ButtonBorder2.bif"Value=Done NAME="Done" USESTYLE WIDTH=103> </SHADOW></FONT></FORM> <TD> </TABLE> </BODY> </HTML>
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