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Misc. HTML Tricks



These aren't all neccesarily tricks but they are great tips for getting you started on your own web page.

Page Transitions

This is how you make your page have a transition effect. Go to "transition effects" below to get the idea of what I mean.

Transition effects

Backgrounds in web pages

To put a background in your web page or e-mail do this code and put it between the open body tag of your page:

Easy enough

Sounds and music in web pages

This is how you put music as a background in a web page or e-mail:

The autostart="true" will make the sound start playing right away, you can put a number in place of true to represent seconds until it starts playing.
The loop="true" will enable the sound to play over and over, you can change the true to a number which will represent how many times the sound will play.


Audioscopes are awesome but can only be veiwed with a WebTv browser. This is what an audioscope looks like, click on the speaker below to see it in action:

This is the code to use, put it anywhere you want the audioscope to appear:

<audioscope bgcolor="black" height="50" width="200" border="7" gain="1" leftcolor="gold" rightcolor="red" rightoffset="-5" leftoffset="5">

Remember, you can change the numbers and colors to customise your own audioscope.


This is how to put a side bar on your page, this will be the first code you put in your page between the body tags:

<sidebar width="25%" link="color here" vlink="color here"> </p> <!--mstheme--></font><table align="left" width="25%" border="2" bgcolor="color here" bordercolordark="#999933" bordercolorlight="#CCCC66"> <tr> <td><!--mstheme--><font face="Garamond, Times New Roman, Times"><a href="http://URL%20of%20link%20here">name of link here</a> <!--msthemeseparator--><p align="center"><img src="_themes/artsy/arthsepa.gif" width="300" height="10"></p> <p><br> <a href="http://URL%20of%20link%20here">name of link here</a> </p> <!--msthemeseparator--><p align="center"><img src="_themes/artsy/arthsepa.gif" width="300" height="10"></p> <p><br> <a href="http://URL%20of%20link%20here">name of link here</a> </sidebar></sidebar><!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> </table><!--mstheme--><font face="Garamond, Times New Roman, Times"> <p> </p> <p>

For an example of a sidebar go to my "Poetry Pages" below and then when your done just hit "back" on your browser to return:

Poetry Pages

Remember, you can change the numbers to customise your own sidebar.

Voice activation

This is really cool, it allows you to put in anything you want to say and make it audible. Click on the speaker below for a example:

This is the code for voice activation, put it anywhere between the body tags of your page:

<embed src="http://wwwtts.research.bell-labs.com/cgi-user/tts/voicestts-nj?voice=man&amp;text=This+is+an+example+of+voice+activation.&amp;audio=.wav" width="128" height="128">

You can change the voice=man to these:
And you can change .wav to these:
and if you are going to use adult language do this:


Marquees are used for scrolling text, as you can see


<marquee border="1">BASIC MARQUEE</marquee> MARQUEE WITH ADJUSTABLE SPEED<marquee scrollamount="10" scrolldelay="5" border="1">MARQUEE WITH ADJUSTABLE SPEED</marquee> MARQUEE WITH A BACKGROUND<marquee bgcolor="green" border="1">MARQUEE WITH A BACKGROUND</marquee>

Put these codes anywhere in your web page that you want them to be.

META Transport

META transport allows you to transport a user to another page without clicking any buttons. Click on "META Transport" for an example:

META Transport

META tags can be used for lots of other things too. Alot of people use them to play 2 songs back to back on there web page or e-mail.
To do this you will need to time the first song and set the META tag to click in right when the song ends. So if the first song is 2 minutes long you would set the META to click in at 120 seconds.

Here is how its done:

IMPORTANT, when using META tags in e-mail be sure to put a colon after META in the code or it won't work, like this:

<meta: HTTP-EQUIV....and so on.
NOTE: Unfortunatly, due to the new summer upgrade, META tags no longer work in E-mail.
But there must be a way to get them back. As soon as I figure it out I will post it here.

UPDATE: There is a way to use META's now for your e-mail, you have to create a page with the META in it then go to your e-mail signature box and embed the page with the META using the bgsound src....like this:

Logo for web pages

This is how you put a logo for your web page when hitting "recent" or "info" on your browser.
put this code in the open body tag of your page:

Hit your "recent" button on your browser fo an example of logos.

Instructions for web pages

This is how you put an instruction option for your page when hitting "info" on your browser.
Put this code in the open body tag on your web page:

Hit "info" on your browser for a example.

Credits for web pages

This is how you make a credits option when hitting "info" on your browser.
To do this you need to put the code in your open body tag of your web page:

Hit "info" on your browser for an example.

Text for address

when hitting "info" on your browser.
To do this put the code anywhere between the body tags of your web page:

<display address="text in place of address here">

Hit "info" on your browser for an example.
NOTE: the display tag no longer works due to the new upgrade, to make the display tags work you'll need to put the display attributes in the open <body> tag of your HTML document.
<body address="text here"> and so on....

Animate image when highlighted

Here is how to make an image animate when you highlight it with your browser:

<a href="http://URL%20of%20link%20here"><img src="http://URL%20of%20image%20here" animateonselect></a>

Here is an example, just move the cursor down to the navigation bars and then back up on the image:

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